Page name: Order of Inari [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-11 13:31:52
Last author: Wes Foxx
Owner: Wes Foxx
# of watchers: 23
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Welcome to the Temple of Inari, the kitsune warrior, hero and legeand. *bows*

(Wiki pages founded and maintained by [Wes Foxx])

This page is the 88th Safe Zone

-Whats the Order of Inari about?-

I've created this group as another fun place to chat, hang around, roleplay if you want to, show off your art, and in general to just do whatever and enjoy yourself.

Im also trying to use this as a way to bring new people into the world of roleplaying. Every member gets a kitsune form as well as one type of spellwork, their Kinetic Class. I reward those who do their best and suceed by awarding them a higher Member Rank, sort of like getting a medal or ribbon, or on elftown especially, a badge. We also have a badge for your kinetic class as well, which can be found in the Order of Inari Gallery page

You don't have to be a kitsune to join. You don't even have to use the kitsune form you get. Its totally up to you what you want to do with it.

Those who wish to cause trouble or pain, this is NOT the wiki for you. Any member found to be harrassing, harming, or otherwise causing trouble in the order or among its members will be exiled from the order.

~Banished Order Members~


~Roragons United
~Anthro RP
~Moonlight (Our sister page, or basically, Order of Inari part two)~
~Zelda Geeks
~Lost Book of the Bible:The Book of Amish
~Light & Dark

Interrested? Feel free to join. You may leave our order at any time, and will not be stripped of your title, rankings, or Power.
~Order of Inari Members page~

For all members who have a character picture, feel free to post it.
~Order of Inari Fursonas page~

The roleplayers and those wishing to gain rank here should proceed here.
~Order of Inari RP page~

I've moved all the classes and divisions to their own page to cut down on the size.
~Order of Inari Classes and Divisions page~
   Not enough detail for you? See the combo labs!
    ~Kinetic Research Labs~
    ~Advanced Kinetic Labs~

Information on our history, the kinetics R&D lab, and a discussion page
~Order of Inari Archives~

Are you an artist? Submit an entry and your drawing could become the picture used for our founder!
~Inari Contest~

If you have a badge, graphic, doodad or other item for the Order, we're happy to post them and display them here!
~Order of Inari Gallery~

Since this page is constantly being updated, and almost no one is watching most of these pages, heres a link to the story series I'm writing.
~History of Inari~

Order News

2/27/05 - The History of Inari story series, The Legeands of Inari, have all been outlined. I'll be writing the story from Act I ASAP.
- The History of Inari has been updated: Four new character profiles and sketches have been added. All sketches for existing story previews have been created.

3/11/05 - The Legeands of Inari: Act I first chapter done!

3/18/05 - <poll:47476> LoI character poll!

3/25/05 - [Just Paula] has been awarded a Valorian Sage ranking for services to the Order

April 4, 2005- The Legeands of Inari: Act I has been completed!

4/25/05 - The Legeands of Inari: Act II Chapter 1 is finally posted!

4/27/05 - Chapter 2 (1st half) is posted!
-Also- We've finally reached 30 members!

5/1/05 - Chapter 2 finished!

-A freakin' long time passes-

9/11/05 - *Tribute to the people who lost their lives in the September 11th tragedy*

- New sketches containing stuff from future Legends of Inari work have been placed in Foxx Galary VII!

Username (or number or email):


2005-06-17 [Cat in the Hat]: could i join?

2005-06-18 [Insaniac Yoshie]: add yourself

2005-06-18 [Tiger Shark]: O.o have I even joined yet?....<< >>

2005-06-18 [Just Paula]: iunno....

2005-06-18 [Tiger Shark]: I think so....<< >> *checks*

2005-06-18 [Cat in the Hat]: k

2005-06-18 [Nekko fox]: -Continues chewing on his butterfly complacently-

2005-06-18 [Just Paula]: nekko

2005-06-19 [Nekko fox]: -Looks up- *GULP*, yes?

2005-06-19 [Just Paula]: your so cute sometimes lol.... wow that was such a girl thing to say..*shakes head at herself* CAN I NOT ESCAPE THE GIRLYNESS

2005-06-19 [Nekko fox]: -Watches her curious actions with a neko's curiousity-

2005-06-19 [Just Paula]: myuu

2005-06-19 [Wes Foxx]: Feel free to join, new members are ore than welcome after the long drought in activity.

2005-06-19 [Just Paula]: i wanna kick anubis's ass again in rp that was fun... then id get my mage badge

2005-06-20 [Tiger Shark]: I just want to claw something....

2005-06-20 [Cat in the Hat]: here * hold a piece of carpet*

2005-06-20 [Tiger Shark]: nice *claws the piece of carpet*

2005-06-21 [Nekko fox]: -Pads over to the two of them-

2005-06-21 [Tiger Shark]: *throws around the carpet confetti* ^^

2005-06-22 [Nekko fox]: -Hops around, trying to catch it in his paws-

2005-06-22 [Tiger Shark]: aw

2005-06-23 [Nekko fox]: -Catches some-

2005-06-23 [Tiger Shark]: *munches on some pizza*

2005-06-24 [Nekko fox]: -Pads over to the scent of pizza-

2005-06-24 [Tiger Shark]: *cough* <img:> *cough*

2005-06-24 [Nekko fox]: <img:> *Cough Cough*

2005-06-24 [Tiger Shark]: <img:> *really loud abnoxious hinting cough*

2005-06-24 [Tiger Shark]: Will you follow the lantern?

2005-06-24 [Nekko fox]: -Meeps and tries, but gets stopped by his steel collar-

2005-06-24 [Tiger Shark]: aw *grabs a chainsaw and cuts through the chain*

2005-06-24 [Nekko fox]: -Chains immediately reconstructs itself. Nekko glowers at it hatefully-

2005-06-24 [Tiger Shark]: *tilts her head curiously*

2005-06-24 [Nekko fox]: -Hugs his tail again, covering himself up-

2005-06-24 [Tiger Shark]: *slings the lantern over her shoulder and hugs Nekko*

2005-06-24 [Nekko fox]: -Nuzzles and whimpers-

2005-06-24 [Tiger Shark]: *mews comfortingly and hugs*

2005-06-24 [Nekko fox]: -Nuzzles- Um...Do you have any clothes?

2005-06-24 [Tiger Shark]: er...*looks in the closet* *pulls out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt* *tosses them to Nekko*

2005-06-24 [Nekko fox]: -tears a hole in the back of the shorts for his tail, then puts on the shirt-...Umm....Could you turn around? Unless if you like watching me put on my pants...

2005-06-24 [Tiger Shark]: *turns around and stares at the wall* this is akward..

2005-06-24 [Nekko fox]: -Puts on the shorts and pulls his tail through- Oaky. All done.

2005-06-24 [Tiger Shark]: *shrugs and turns around* so what was all that about?

2005-06-24 [Nekko fox]: -Points aup at his picture-

2005-06-24 [Tiger Shark]: I know, I mean, why?

2005-06-24 [Nekko fox]: -Shrugs-

2005-06-24 [Tiger Shark]: *shrugs and looks around*

2005-06-24 [Nekko fox]: -Tries to follow, but comes to a halt by his chain again-

2005-06-24 [Tiger Shark]: *stares out a window*

2005-06-27 [Nekko fox]: -WHimpers and pulls at his chain-

2005-06-27 [Just Paula]: awww poor nekko

2005-06-27 [Tiger Shark]: -_- I want pie....

2005-06-27 [Nekko fox]: -thinks, then pulls a pie out of his satchel that was lying nearby-

2005-06-27 [Tiger Shark]: .....*blink* <img:> mew?

2005-06-27 [Nekko fox]: -Holds it up for her, shyly-

2005-06-27 [Tiger Shark]: *sniffs the pie and paws at it*

2005-06-27 [Nekko fox]: -Nudges it towards her iwth his nose-

2005-06-27 [Tiger Shark]: *devours the pie* *licks filling off her nose*

2005-06-27 [Nekko fox]: -SMiles hopefully-

2005-06-27 [Tiger Shark]: *tilts her head* *nudges the other half of the pie in the pan to Nekko with her nose*

2005-06-27 [Nekko fox]: -Meeps and eats some of the pie happily-

2005-06-27 [Tiger Shark]: *smiles*

2005-06-27 [Nekko fox]: -Yawns sleepily, kicking absentmindedly at his chain-

2005-06-28 [Tiger Shark]: *curls up in a corner adn snoozes*

2005-06-28 [Just Paula]: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ts your kitten is sooooooo cute

2005-06-28 [Tiger Shark]: ^-^ mew!

2005-06-28 [Insaniac Yoshie]: the pic i made of my Furcadia rp character is in my house if anyone want to take a look

2005-06-28 [Tiger Shark]: I did and it kicks the shit out of mine

2005-06-28 [Insaniac Yoshie]: all the art works mine. the pics are my friends. i share the gallery with them. theres even a couple more recent one of me in there

2005-06-30 [Nekko fox]: -Meows curiously, still chained to the floor but awakened by the people-

2005-07-02 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *dies at typos*

2005-07-02 [Tiger Shark]: *runs around in circles chasing her tail*

2005-07-02 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *run2 in circles chaseing tiger chaseing her tail*

2005-07-02 [Tiger Shark]: *stops suddenly and stares at the ceiling*

2005-07-02 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *rams headfirst into tigers butt*

2005-07-02 [Tiger Shark]: eep! *jumps and hides on the ceiling*

2005-07-02 [Insaniac Yoshie]: sorry... didnt want ti see that! *bleaches her eyes* its all your fault!

2005-07-02 [Tiger Shark]: hey come on, I've got a cute butt!!....accually O.o I hardly have a butt

2005-07-02 [Insaniac Yoshie]: yeah... you do have a cute butt... hey! stop changing the subject on me!

2005-07-02 [Tiger Shark]: what if I like changing the subject?

2005-07-02 [Insaniac Yoshie]: meanie... got me thining of your butt now... and i want to think about carries....

2005-07-02 [Tiger Shark]: o.o okay, no scary butt thinking of

2005-07-02 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *has mental picture of a hand spanking tigers bare butt* NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET IT OUT!!! HELP ME!!!!!

2005-07-02 [Tiger Shark]: AAHHHH!!! PLEASE NO!!! *bleaches mind* NO MORE CREEPY THOUGHTS!!!

2005-07-02 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *is now brainless from to much bleaching* pleh......

2005-07-02 [Tiger Shark]: *stares at a wall blankly*

2005-07-02 [Insaniac Yoshie]: pleh.....

2005-07-02 [Tiger Shark]: *mumbles about nothing*

2005-07-02 [Insaniac Yoshie]: pleh....

2005-07-02 [Tiger Shark]: *hides from the donut people*

2005-07-02 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *eats the doughnut people*

2005-07-02 [Tiger Shark]: yay ^^

2005-07-02 [Insaniac Yoshie]: *chews on doughnut people*

2005-07-02 [Tiger Shark]: myep

2005-07-06 [Nekko fox]:


2005-07-06 [Insaniac Yoshie]: xD hehe... wish i could draw that well straight off... i only did the sketch for the one of Shalou in my house. my friend did most of the coloring in for me...

2005-07-06 [Nekko fox]: Ooooo! Can I see?

2005-07-06 [Insaniac Yoshie]: this is Shalou <img:> if your gonna look at the photobucket gallery keep in mind that i share it with some friends

2005-07-06 [Nekko fox]: Oooo Pretty! ^^

2005-07-06 [Insaniac Yoshie]: thanks

2005-07-06 [Nekko fox]: Your welcome!

2005-07-06 [Insaniac Yoshie]: iv got a couple others in the gallery my fave over all is my dark chii picture...

2005-07-06 [Wes Foxx]: *sighs* I still can't draw anywhere close to as good as either of those.

2005-07-07 [Nekko fox]: -Hugs Wes- Ah, come on! Practice makes perfect!

2005-07-07 [Insaniac Yoshie]: i still think nekkos is better. bc with out the color mine would just be a crappy ol sketch

2005-07-07 [Nekko fox]: Can we see the sketcyh?

2005-07-07 [Insaniac Yoshie]: i dont have it on file on this comp. hell i dont even have a scanner its n my friends comp, the one who helped with the coloring. ill get it up sometime if i ever have a chance

2005-07-07 [Just Paula]: well i think it looks completely awesome!!!!!!*big fan of skantily clad cat people*

2005-07-07 [Nekko fox]: -Laughes as he is a fan as well-

2005-07-08 [Tiger Shark]: yeah well....<< >> *hides*

2005-07-08 [Nekko fox]: -Chases after her-

2005-07-08 [Tiger Shark]: nya! *jumps headlong into a closet*

2005-07-08 [Nekko fox]: -Runs headlong into the door-

2005-07-08 [Tiger Shark]: O.o...*opens the door* you okay?

2005-07-08 [Nekko fox]: -Lies on the floor, bleeding-

2005-07-08 [Tiger Shark]: *jumps and runs for some ice and a bandage*

2005-07-08 [Nekko fox]: -Still unconcious and bleeding-

2005-07-08 [Tiger Shark]: *wraps up Nekko's head with the bandage and applies pressure to stop the bleading, then lays the bag of ice on the bandage above the wound* ^^ I love being a lifeguard, besides the boredom, ya learn pretty useful first aid ^^

2005-07-10 [Nekko fox]: Murr....-Opens an eye-

2005-07-10 [Tiger Shark]: *tilts her head*

2005-07-16 [Nekko fox]: -rubs his head an moans softly-

2005-08-01 [Tiger Shark]: *pops an ice cube in nekko's mouth* suck on that, takes your mind off the pain a bit

2005-08-02 [Nekko fox]: -Meeps and sucks on it- Mmm, kool-aid!

2005-08-02 [Tiger Shark]: myep ^^

2005-08-02 [Nekko fox]: <img:>

2005-08-02 [Tiger Shark]: @_0 *eye twitch*

2005-08-02 [Nekko fox]: -Laughes-

2005-08-02 [Tiger Shark]: ......

2005-08-02 [Nekko fox]: -SMiels-

2005-08-02 [Tiger Shark]: ......

2005-08-02 [Nekko fox]: What?

2005-08-02 [Tiger Shark]: o_o I think my brain is desolving from the sheer mindlessness of that comic....*twitch*

2005-08-02 [Nekko fox]:

2005-08-02 [Tiger Shark]: seen it -_-

2005-08-02 [Tiger Shark]: seen it

2005-08-02 [Nekko fox]: Liar/

2005-08-02 [Tiger Shark]: no really

2005-08-03 [Nekko fox]: I need food.

2005-08-03 [Tiger Shark]: me too -_-

2005-08-03 [Nekko fox]: And a drink.

2005-08-03 [Tiger Shark]: *nods*

2005-08-03 [Nekko fox]: A good drink.

2005-08-03 [Tiger Shark]: *offers you a slushie*

2005-08-03 [Nekko fox]: -sticks out his tongue- I want a COKE! ^^

2005-08-03 [Tiger Shark]: o.o.....^^ YES!! ANOTHER COKE FAN IN THIS HORRIBLE WORLD OF PEPSI LOVERS!! I'M NOT ALONE!!!!!!!! *makes it a coke slushie*

2005-08-03 [Nekko fox]: -Meeps in utter delight-

2005-08-03 [Tiger Shark]: ^^ *slurps on a half coke/ half cherry slushie*

2005-08-03 [Nekko fox]: -Slurps his solid coke syrup slushie-

2005-08-03 [Tiger Shark]: anyways, I'm still hungry -_-

2005-08-03 [Nekko fox]: -Nods- Me too. Doritoes?

2005-08-03 [Tiger Shark]: cool ranch? *perks up her ears*

2005-08-03 [Nekko fox]: -Thinks- I'm fond of the orginal myslf.

2005-08-03 [Tiger Shark]: XP nacho cheese should be banned on anything but chili dogs

2005-08-03 [Nekko fox]: -Laughes- Mmmm, chili dogs! Sonics favorite food!

2005-08-03 [Tiger Shark]: lol

2005-08-03 [Nekko fox]: Go Sonic the Hedghg!

2005-08-03 [Tiger Shark]: lol

2005-08-03 [Nekko fox]: -Runs around the room-

2005-08-03 [Tiger Shark]: *slurps on her slushie*

2005-08-03 [Nekko fox]: -Dive jumps onto her shoulder-

2005-08-04 [Tiger Shark]: meep!

2005-08-04 [Nekko fox]: -Hugs her head-

2005-08-04 [Tiger Shark]: *scratches behind Nekko's ear* ^^ mrow

2005-08-04 [Nekko fox]: -Giggles and paws playfully at her hand-

2005-08-04 [Tiger Shark]: *turns into a cat and paws at Nekko's nose*

2005-08-04 [Nekko fox]: -Giggles and plays with her ears-

2005-08-04 [Tiger Shark]: *nips at his paw*

2005-08-04 [Nekko fox]: -Glomps her-

2005-08-04 [Tiger Shark]: nya!! *hides*

2005-08-04 [Nekko fox]: -Follows-

2005-08-04 [Tiger Shark]: *whipers in a closet* that word scares me << >>

2005-08-05 [Nekko fox]: -Looks into closet-

2005-08-06 [Tiger Shark]: what? it does

2005-08-06 [Nekko fox]: -Holds up a brown shirt with sonic on it, the bottom reading 'Old School'-

2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: o.o....^^

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: -SMiles- I loves it so! I'm wearing now!

2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: lol, I'm wearing...just a school T-shirt >.<

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: I got my ear pierced!

2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: lucky you, I can't wear ear rings >.<

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: Why?

2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: irritates my ears -_- makes me sad..

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: I'm sowwy...-Hugs-

2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: *hugs back* hey why aren't you on my friends list?? O.o

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: DAMMIT! I was just wondering that and was going to ask you!

2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: woah, wierd like...

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: Chee.....

2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: anywh00t, we've got to get on that problem >.<

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: -Nods- Aye, that we do!

2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: lol, already on it

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: Done! ^^

2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: sweetness...*passes out chocolate*

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: -Meeps in delight-

2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: ^^

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: -Hugs-

2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: yay! *huggles*

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: -Purrs-

2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: ^_^ *scratches yoru ears*

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: -Curls up-

2005-08-07 [Tiger Shark]: aww

2005-08-07 [Nekko fox]: -Snoozes softly-

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